A Day in the Life of a First-Year Teacher

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My classes: post-NYS

Well guys, we've made it past the NYS!!! May is here, and so is the end of the year!

The end of the year comes with some interesting stories...

Today, Alex, a student in my first period class, asked Lola (the girl almost every boy in my classes have huge crushes on) to the "Senior Prom", or our school's fancy-shmancy-all-grown-up name for the school dance that happens at the end of the year for all "graduating seniors" (8th graders)... in my class! (Boy, do they make graduating from middle school twenty times more formal than it really is! Granted, this is a big accomplishment for my students and I am very proud of each and every one of them.) Needless to say, it was a BEAUTIFUL, very mature moment in the year. It really shows how much the students grow up and develop over the course of the year - Alex was a very jumpy, energetic, carefree student in September, but now, he's basically as grown up as I am - possibly even more. All of the girls went "awwwww! that's sooo cute!". The boys patted/chest pumped (is that even how you say it?)/high fived Alex after Lola said "yes", saying, what every middle schooler these days say: "get some bro!" or "ya my boy's becoming a man" or "SWAG". During lunch, Miss Aguilera came up to me and told me that her class heard everything that happened & the reaction in my class during the proposal. "Wedding bells, anyone?"...

Mi'kyeah's mom brought in a cake for my homeroom class to enjoy in the morning. After the prep work was done, Mi'kyeah and two of her friends went up to the front of the room and started putting cake onto plates and distributing the cake to the other students in homeroom. Around halfway into the service, Mi'kyeah's friend, Sarai, had a "mini-trip" which caused the slice of cake to fly out of the plate and landed right on Juan's face. The other students around Juan, including Mi'kyeah and Sarai, went over and starting using their fingers to get cake off of Juan's face and eating it... until it became almost a mini-party! We all got some really good laughs out of that. This is a birthday Mi'kyeah's going to remember for a very long time. :)  

Life after NYS: soooo much more relaxed! Happy May everybody!

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