A Day in the Life of a First-Year Teacher

Friday, May 25, 2012

Up to my knees in paperwork


I am extremely overwhelmed right now. Like, no. Up to my KNEES - wait, scratch that - MY HEAD - in paperwork, grading, data, etc. 

I didn't really anticipate this much work so late in the year and I genuinely thought I was done with the bulk of the work for the year. But apparently not. Our administration is loading us up with piles and piles of paperwork and data reports for us to complete. And worst of all, this is all due on June 1st! 

On top of that, because of all the good weather we've been having lately and a greater number of social/personal life events, I've fallen behind on my grading and updating my gradebook & class calendar. This isn't really good for the end of the year and 4th quarter where students are cramming all the late work they can to me to boost their year/course grade up to the next letter grade (or keep their grade from falling to the lower letter grade). That's about 1.5-2 hours of work per class period - another 10 hours gone. 

Looks like I know what I'll be doing during my Memorial Day weekend...


  1. We've all been there and done that! Hope you made it out fine...

    But hey, it's almost summer! Hang in there - it looks like you're having a very successful first year.
