I make clear to my students that I will check homework every day any homework is due. I usually only assign 20-30 minutes a night, a reasonable amount of homework I feel really helps reinforce the concepts taught in class. I believe that homework is crucial to helping students remember the process they will need to know going into high school, as well as provides a tool for me to check student understanding of concepts in the curriculum.
Each homework assignment is worth 5 points, and can be in the form of textbook problems, worksheets, online quizzes, etc. There are bigger assignments as well, such as unit study guides, poster/video/PowerPoint projects, etc. I check homework as students are working on their warm ups, as a way to maximize class time. When I check homework, I look for both:
- Completion
- Work shown/quality - did they show their work? Is their work complete? Is their evidence of using the methods taught in class?
I only do this activity every other day or so, and though it takes about 15 minutes in total, I feel this is an AMAZING review tool having students help each other identify their mistakes and then having a class discussion about how those mistakes are made and identify strategies that I have (or that the students have) to avoid making these mistakes.
Well, that's what I think.
Today, however, I was eager to find out what my students thought of the activity. Overall, the responses from my informal survey were very positive. My students said it helped because a friend could identify the mistakes, so it's less pressure on them, working in the small groups can help them catch their mistake beforehand, they like bringing out their *positive* competitive natures and that peer grading is fun because it helps the graders avoid common mistakes also.
Well, guess that's a "so far, so good" activity I have pretty nailed down! :)
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